
I have been making these strange map-like drawings.


Michael and I have been talking about the nature of this seeming pseudo scientific “study” I am undertaking.  It’s somehow anthropological and, of course, contrived.  I really am sort of finding out what I am doing as I go and am enjoying the process of exploration.  They remind me a bit of a Russian artist who was very well-represented at the Venice Biennale this year, Pavel Pepperstein:

an image I took of one of his pieces in the Russian Pavilion

an image I took of one of his pieces in the Russian Pavilion

and also the drawings of  Nedko Solakov, to whom Mark and I were introduced (his work, not him unfortunately) at documenta 11 in 2007:


I admire the work of both artists very much, and though I am not consciously trying to emulate their invented documentary-like drawings, I do see the connection.  This is my favorite one so far though my little point-and-shoot camera doesn’t capture it very well:


Posted June 28th, 2009 in Uncategorized.

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